I know all of us are either running around trying to wrap up business to soak in family time this week, or have already closed up shop until Monday (we're definitely in the first camp), but I wanted to pause, just for a minute, to celebrate the Madison Nicole Design team, our clients, and all we have accomplished this year!

First up -- this amazing team! I'm SO grateful our team has grown again this past year! Tara has been part of our design team for over a year, and she has been a rockstar in helping with juggling all of the projects that we have been working on simultaneously. I know she and I are both ecstatic that Tia has joined the design team as a fresh pair of eyes, and someone to spread the design project love around. They are full of sass + sunshine and make every day a bit brighter.
We also recently welcomed Deanna as our Operations and Project Manager, and we are so happy to have her and have someone who loves the technical business side of things as much as she does! She keeps us on our toes, keeps us on task, and is always a great voice of reason for the entire team.

Although not officially official yet (hint hint), my husband Brian helps out SO much behind the scenes - he is our one man IT department, cardboard recycler (there's soooo much cardboard), muscle and handyman...just all the things. I couldn't do life, or run this business, without him, and for that I am just so grateful. And he also knows when to pull my computer away, shut off the lights, and make me rest, which I also need more often than I want to admit -- you other designers know what I mean!!.

We just wrapped up and moved all of our shop inventory out of the garage and into our new office warehouse, so I (and Brian) are ESPECIALLY grateful for these amazing women!
On top of these lovely humans, I have so many other people helping me out behind the scenes. Most of them are remote, or a little camera shy, but that doesn't make us any less thankful! Although my name may be on the building (well, hopefully soon our sign will be installed!) there are so many people working tirelessly to make Madison Nicole Design what it is. So to Katherine, Brooke, Ryan, Brad, and my amazing mama -- THANK YOU!!
And I can't forget about our amazing clients this year - all of you have weathered unprecedented wait times, delays, and the need for re-selections over the last two years, and I thank you so much for the patience and grace you've shown us. We wouldn't exist without you, and it is beyond humbling to me to know that you trust me and this wonderful team to be a part of your life, your family, and your home. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and all of the people you love.
Photos by Public 311 Design for Madison Nicole Design