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Here we are friends - the last week of the longest year of our lives! If you are here reading this, you have survived and I give you a huge virtual hug for making it through this year's massive ups and downs! I don't normally take the time to really reflect on the year, but this year seemed like an important one to record - both because of the state of the world and because of the evolution of our business. I will say that writing this was very cathartic - seeing what has happened and what we've been able to do when it may have looked like a throwaway year on paper. I will try to keep it short and sweet for you, but I would love to hear what you've overcome this year in the comments - as small or as big as you want to celebrate. It all counts!

2020 Struggles

  • Everyone's struggle in not seeing family and friends regularly

  • Heavy delays in production and shipping for current projects

  • Initial loss of projects that were in the inquiry stage and some in mid-construction

  • Losing an assistant due to an interstate move and wondering how we would keep the workload manageable

  • Struggling to design and create beautiful things in a world that felt/feels very chaotic and unsteady

2020 Wins

  • A healthy family, marriage, and dogs to love on 24/7

  • Finally getting those darn tonsils out and being able to breathe and swallow with no pain!

  • Selling our home in record time and starting a new adventure looking for the next house

  • Investing in myself and my business by attending Design Camp right before the shutdown. That decision led to setting my business up to be more efficient, which is wonderful for us and our clients, but I met a group of other designers who have become integral friends and they have been the most valuable resource to me through this trying year.

  • New branding and a new website after wanting to do it for quite awhile

  • Setting up systems for clients that let us work in a more streamlined process, and create a more enjoyable experience for them

  • Reaching 10,000 followers on Instagram - still can't believe that many people are interested in what we're working on!

  • Finding a new office in a great location where clients can come in and view presentations and samples

  • Starting a blog and being consistent with it

  • Growing my team to include an intern turned design assistant and a content creator (and looking for a full time designer too!)

  • Signed our first project on the East Coast -- and can't wait to get started on it!

We have seen the most growth in the business this year, and working through the guilt of that has been a whirlwind to say the least. I'm so grateful for those who have wanted small businesses like mine to thrive this year, and and it's only because of all of you and my fabulous team that I can look back on 2020 saying we have all struggled with various stages of grief, loss, and transition, but we can persevere and even thrive in the face of unprecedented circumstances.

We are looking forward to a new year, now more than ever. While the trials of this year won't change over night, there's something about the change that gives us a fresh start, and allows us to reflect and make the changes we need to improve our lives, both personally and professionally.

If you or someone you know is interested in a design position here at Madison Nicole Design, please submit an application online. We would love to have you as part of our growing team!

Happy New Year to all of you, and thank you again for every share, like, comment, review, email, text, call, and for all the grace extended to us through this crazy year!



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Madison Nicole Design is a full service interior design studio with a retail shop in Ventura, California. Madison and team take on projects of all sizes, from furniture styling to large scale remodels and new constructions home, both locally and nationally.

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2024 Madison Nicole Design. All Rights Reserved.

Website + Branding by IDCO

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